
Woman’s reaction to England World Cup knockout

England’s defeat isn’t just a ‘knock out’ for the team. Results from a research paper published in the journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency showing “a match day trend that the risk of domestic abuse rose by 26% when the England team won or drew, and a 38% increase when the national team lost.”

This powerful video comes from Tender, the British charity using theatre and the arts to end abuse. They know how to make a viral.

Tender: “Though research on the rise of domestic violence during the World Cup is relatively new and for lack of a better word, sparse, the trend is alarming and impossible to ignore.  The weather is getting warmer, more drinks will be consumed, emotions will be heightened, and none of this excuses violence. We ask that individuals and organisations to stand together this World Cup season and say ‘No excuses’.”